Thursday, December 30, 2010

Affection and love a chance to

Loved is happy! Love, share love between the flesh and blood family; a share of everlasting love between friendship; share of faithful love is love between.
However, this was in the habit of inadvertently forgotten in the corner, but did not forget this feeling, just buried.
The most painful thing in the world that there is a lot of affection and love for each individual collision is the most painful choice. One side is angry with you support your parents, cut off the blood of the situation, one side is to pay a lot, hard to put down the love, such a choice, what next? I always think, but also believe that, between affection and love is not comparable, family and love is not measured, because they will never balance the scales. Some people always like to ask, mother and wife who fell into the water first save? This question really has no value, very boring, save the mother, would be condemned to not love his wife, to save his wife, will be reviled as Buxiao Zi. So I think this question is meaningless! And we do is, since you have chosen each other, love her (him) but also the love her (his) parents together to take care of both parents, rather than to the other side who pressed out of the water first save the question of who This talent worthy of love, cherish a lifetime!I marked affection and love in Baidu, the search a lot of these articles, there are lengthy talk about family and love story touch the car, there are just some words to tell, I see more of a writer suffering a loss, as I always get rid of the programs present helplessness and tears, the girls keep eyes. Love itself is not wrong, but we always loved and yet hurt, hurt not only themselves, but also those around you. This girl is not a firm and decisive discourse, is not difficult to see that she wanted her parents to forgive and accept this love, she loved her boyfriend, a love that hurt not only the two lovers people, but also hurt the girl's parents, perhaps they are still young, to pursue their own against the wishes of her parents love it, and again ran away with the lies and hurting parents. Halfway, I can only say that they have a responsibility to constituents, have done wrong place. Parents are too authoritarian, assertive girls missing point, boy behavior while there is nothing wrong with anything there are many solutions, if they are willing to give each other a chance to think about standing on each other's position, even if it is to a test of their time, things may have another result. Parents, not a single normal parents do not love their children, precisely because of this love, cruel parents would say "do not listen to them to cut off relations with their children!" The family really can break it? The blood of love really gone with the wind up because of this sentence? No! No one can change the arrangement of God. Parents want their children happy, the parents of the program with their daughter's boyfriend is not in the same city on the grounds, so firmly against this feeling, people seem a little wreck duck, standing on the perspective of parents, they This is also not unreasonable, after all, raised their own children, how willing to marry so far, stood the child's point of view if the parents thought might be conservative. In short, I see a thin girl wandering pain and love in the family, between the tears stop, she would accept their parents, but it is so extravagant desire. I could not help wondering, how do the girls out of the final choice? Is to choose the parents, or choose to love? Close to the end of the program, parents resolute attitude, her boyfriend's eyes look, the girls decided to break up, go home with their parents. I saw a decision to make a girl cry, and when he finally said goodbye to her boyfriend, then boyfriend also reported that a ray of hope and the girl's parents to apologize, and finally to be separated, the girl has been reluctant to stand up and final a look back, let a broken heart. Should not end that way, capture the tears in my eyes, as Cao Ying says she does not know why tears, may have the end of this love so regret it. Participation grew by nearly in my heart mix, joy is her family did not give up, no wishes of her parents upbringing, fear of regret for the couple, how many of the world there will be such a thing happen?Parents, family the most important, that there are some happy, some people still know how valuable family. Some say love, no, you can go, family is not, it would have lost value. Can have both fish and bear's paw is the best, can not have the time to let go off one side only reluctantly, as to which side will give up to see what the most important in your heart!Parents gave us life, gave a colorful world we live in this opportunity, and even has his own life in order to find love, we cherish the family, the parents return the kindness, and love is our intention to pay, in the vast encountered in the sea, the most painful is the choice between the two, in unavoidable circumstances, or want whether it is the parents, or lovers, do not be too excited, premature conclusions, good communication, to each other a chance, give love a chance!And obviously in love but not together than people can hold each other's hands, whether romantic or plain life, it all cherish each other, pull each other's hands do not easily let go. Family is precious, hard to find true love.

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